Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hat for January

Thanks to my nephew, Quinn's girlfriend Shayna, I have a picture of my latest hat on a real live (not stuffed) person. Of course, you cannot really tell what the hat looks like, but it will be warm and it will be given to charity.

I used the Ground Flower pattern again, by PhoeKnits and Knit Picks Palette yarn in Iris Heather. Not my favorite color, which is why I didn't use it for socks. Too bland.

Here it is January 25 and I've already made all my goals for the month. I've read four books, and knit a hat and a pair of socks. Well, I've made most of my goals, I didn't lose ten pounds. I did lose about seven pounds, so I'm not going to be too disappointed.

I also won a hat from Aurora at . I am very excited, I rarely win anything. Get well soon Aurora.

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