Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Cracked to Death by Cheryl Hollon

Cracked to Death is very readable.  The author drew me in immediately and I just loved the subject matter (the glass work, not the murder), possibly because stained glass is one of my hobbies. In the introduction the author said she relied on experts, and it shows.

The characters are well drawn and likeable.  This is not the first book in the series and I haven't read the introductory book, but I definitely will. Savannah's new relationship is perfect for her and I look forward to seeing where it leads.

The author has included in this series a young man with Asperberger's Syndrome. Based on people I know with Asperberger's, the author has fairly represented their issues.

Another thing I like in this cozy is that Savannah has a good relationship with the lead police detective. So many times, the police are made out to be bumblers who need help to solve the crimes.

All in all, this is a great book and I highly recommend it.  I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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