It's been a long time since I blogged anything, and it may take me a while to remember how to do things. Seriously.
So here we are on the cusp of 2013 and I think this is an excellent time to set goals for myself. These are not resolutions, because I never manage to keep resolutions and it's not a bucket list, because it's not going to be life changing things. Here they are, in no particular order:
- Read at least 50 books this year.
- Knit six pairs of socks.
- Knit six hats.
- Attempt cables, oh wait that was last year's goal - - oops.
- Knit one thing that is not a a hat or a pair of socks.
- Get rid of the clothes I'm never going to wear. Even the ones with the tags still on them.
- Continue doing my 26 random acts of kindness.
- gift card for a stranger
- soup for mom