Last September at our Elegant Gathering, Donna taught me how to make beaded ornaments. I made and gave away 37 for Christmas 2006 and this year I've given away 15 and sold six.
It started simply, someone on a website asked for scarves to be sent to the troops in Iraq. Now I haven't knitted or crocheted for quite a while, so I decided to make a couple of scarves. I crocheted two, then found out the Marie's stepson is in the same North Carolina unit, so I decided to make another one. I have now finished three and will make one more for Kyle's friend who is already overseas.
It seems that today everyone is knitting socks. sends me a daily free pattern and they keep talking about a book on socks. I admit it, I am intrigued. I went to Knot Just Yarn and signed up for the class. It's not really a class, it's three one-on-one lessons, with additional help as needed for $35. But I get a ten percent discount on everything I buy.
So far, I am one third of the way done with an $80 pair of socks.